A Hilarious Femme-Fuelled Political Play Is Coming to Brisbane

Drama queens

By Bianca Licina | 4th July 2024

You’ve probably heard the saying ‘Behind every successful man, there is a woman’. But have you heard the saying, ‘Behind every great dumbass are seven women trying to keep him alive’?

Intrigued? Read on.

A female-led, political satire is coming to Bille Brown Theatre this July and it’s set to be a farce full of dark humour, feminist sentiment, and a touch of bureaucratic chaos. 

POTUS, or Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive, is a Queensland Theatre production opening its curtains this August. 

POTUS tells a fictitious (yet awfully familiar) tale of the President of the United States (i.e. POTUS) and his team of highly competent women who are dealing with their highly incompetent boss. 

The story follows the President’s team of women as they scramble to repair the American government after their leader drops a four-letter faux pas in front of every major news outlet and several foreign dignitaries. Expect chaotic meetings in the Oval Office, hallucinogenic drugs, a sex scandal (what’s new), and even an assassination attempt. If that doesn’t make you want to book a seat, what will?

A three-time Tony Award nominee, POTUS is making its debut in Australia from 27 July to 24 August with a star-studded, all-female cast, including Paula Arundell, Emily Burton, Amy Ingram, Jodie Le Vesconte, Emily Liu, Wendy Mocke and Christen O’Leary.

So, ladies, book yourself a ticket to enjoy watching a production on ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of sanity.’ 

What: POTUS, or Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive by Queensland Theatre

Where: Bille Brown Theatre

When: 27 July – 24 August (evenings: Mon & Tues 6.30pm, Wed – Sat 7.30pm, matinees: Wed & Thurs 1.00pm, Sat 2.00pm)

For more information, head here

By Bianca Licina Certified shopaholic, Bianca is happiest in her favourite pair of jeans with a piccolo latte in hand.




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