Oink, Oink! Dig Your Snout Into Pig ‘N’ Whistle’s First Gin And Beer Event
Dig in, you swine!
By Astrid Taemets | 5th May 2021Little piggy, little piggy, let me come in… and gorge on this four-course feast!
Set to be a glutton-fest like no other, Pig ‘N’ Whistle’s Riverside venue is porking up for their first gin and beer dinner this May.
Roll into Friday with a four-course dinner event, hosted by Four Pillars and Stone and Wood, on Thursday night, May 20. From 6-9pm, grunt your way through multiple courses, each complemented with a gin and beer from our favourite Aussie distillery and brewery companies.
At just $75 a pop, you’ll be happy as a pig in mud, with each course designed to be a flavour explosion of starters, mains, and desserts (oink, oink, little piggies, indeed!).
Serving up the best hearty English fare around, their dishes are classic pub-style, with a touch of Aussie flavour, delish enough to tickle the hairs on your chinny-chin-chin.
Round up your sounder and book your tickets here for a night that’s not to be missed at this iconic British pub.