It’s Time To Go Plastic Free

It doesn’t just end with July

By Olivia Ashworth | 24th July 2020

Whether you have participated in plastic-free July or not, the goal of reducing plastic and waste is one that has never been more relevant. Although you may have been encouraged to bid farewell to single-use plastics for the month, why not take the movement past the due date and extend it into a year-long commitment?

To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of easy ways to embrace the plastic-free lifestyle. That way, you’ll still be left wearing the plastic-free crown by the end of the year.

1. Keep spare utensils in your handbag and car

Make yourself a kit of cutlery, cups and containers to keep on you (or nearby) at all times. Your handbag and car are perfect storage spots! This way, you won’t be tempted to say yes to a takeaway fork from your local Chinese!

2. Say goodbye to bottled water for good

Blessed to live in a country where tap water is drinkable and clean, there really is no excuse to be buying plastic bottles. Not to mention, with a huge range of funky, creative and more importantly reusable water bottles on the market, sustainability has never been so fashionable!

3. Cone, not cup

If you are like us and tend to get ice cream a little bit too often, opt for a cone rather than a cup to avoid excess waste. Plus, you get a waffle cone, what more could you want?

4. Make your own all-purpose cleaner

Avoid purchasing store-bought cleaners and sprays and instead make your own. A mixture of one part vinegar to three parts water, stored in a reusable spray bottle, is the perfect concoction for an all-purpose spray!

5. Order items in one go

If you are a regular culprit of online shopping, try to make all your purchases in one order, rather than multiple small orders. This way, you can limit the amount of packaging needed, as well as reduce transport miles!

6. Free the fruit

Always choose naked fruit and vegetables over packaged. Whether you are shopping at your local market, or a supermarket, bring your own bags and just give the produce a good wash before eating!

7. Just say no

While items such as straws and plastic lids may seem harmless, they can quickly accumulate over a couple of weeks. If you are out and forget your reusable cup/straw, don’t be afraid to refuse, or just ask them to leave it out!

These tips are just to get you started! Remember to stay conscious and who knows, maybe plastic-free will follow you into 2021 as well!





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