Oh, Baby! An Expert Shares Their Tips On How To Style A Nursery
Newborn incoming!
By Astrid Taemets | 27th April 2021Planning and styling a nursery? First of all, congrats! The job can be just as daunting as the reason you’re making room for one in the first place.
From the colour scheme to must-have furniture pieces, getting the details right can seem like an overwhelming task – especially for first timers.
Thankfully, there are those in the know that can help with the decision-making part, so all you have to do is get excited for your new bundle to arrive!
Metro Baby is your one-stop-shop for all baby goods, including cots, play mats, and more. And with a buying team comprised of mums that have been through the process themselves, you can rest easy knowing you’re going to be making the right choices for your baby-to-be.
With their hand-picked selection of products (some of which are exclusive to Metro Baby), you’ll find everything you need to turn that empty room into a baby-friendly haven.
To help even more with the process, we spoke to Lara Temelli, Product Manager of Metro Baby, to find out the biggest nursery trends happening in 2021.
What are the most popular trends for nurseries right now?
We’ve seen a big surge in people purchasing furniture such as cots, change tables, and dressers in neutral tones such as white and timber. This is a great option for couples who don’t yet know the sex of the baby, or are hoping to have multiple children as typically, furniture in these tones do not date. As for bedding, light colours are always popular, as are sheets in animal and nature prints. We’re seeing a lot of gender-neutral play mats in colours such as sage, and light grey, and similar tones for baby bouncers. In general, neutral-colour nurseries with subtle colour inclusions such as a mobile or stack of toys and books is big at the moment.
What are the core pieces you need for a nursery?
You actually need a lot less than most people think. Sometimes, all the excess purchases just cause clutter, and end up being passed on. Rather than buying all the pieces at once, slowly build on what you need as the baby grows. Start with a cot, baby bouncer, nappy bin, change table, baby monitor, and play mat, and then gradually add pieces such as a play gym as your baby develops. Our Little Wiwa play mats and Lollipop baby monitors are very popular purchases for new parents, as they’re stylish and each come in a range of colours to suit all styles. As for night lights, the range from Mr Maria are a great unisex option.
Where is the best place to start?
Decide on your larger pieces first, like the cot, as this will form a foundation for building upon.
What are some of the biggest mistakes parents-to-be make when styling a nursery?
Buying lots of colourful, interactive toys can be a big one, as babies only see in black and white for around the first four months, so stave off buying these until later down the track.
How can you accessorise a room on a budget?
There are plenty of great ways to style a room on a limited budget. Our selection of wooden toys is a great place to start, as well as our selection of rainbow and musical mobiles. Also adding books to open shelves and sticking posters on the wall are a great way to add depth to the room in a non-permanent fashion.
Best advice?
Just have fun and enjoy the process! There is no right or wrong way to go about creating a room for the newest member of your family. Whatever you love, go with it! Just remember it’s a space in your home that you’re probably going to spend a fair bit of time in in the coming years, so make sure you love it because it’s your taste – not because someone told you to buy it! A great room will spark your little one’s imagination, and be a space they associate with as home. As they grow, they’ll read, colour, play, and learn, so fill it with the things you know they’ll love.