How To Make Your Business Boom
Hit hard by COVID? Here’s how to turn your life around for the better.
By Astrid Taemets | 18th December 2020So, you’ve had a tough year – we feel you. Travel plans were canned, friends and family interstate have been dearly missed, and to top it off, your bread and butter – the business you love and work hard to keep alive, has suffered a massive hit. Yep, it’s been a rough one.
And while it’s fair to say that 2020 has been a year the entire world would rather sweep under the rug and forget forever, things are starting to (finally!) look up.
From being able cross state lines once again to busting your moves out on the dancefloor, life is slowly but surely getting back to normal – the only thing that still might be feeling the after-effects of all this disturbance, is your business.
If, like so many out there, your humble biz has been affected don’t despair – there are ways to get out of this mess. Brisbane Business Hub (BBH or The Hub) is a new initiative by the Brisbane Economic Development Agency (Brisbane EDA) and the Brisbane City Council (BCC) to help those in the trenches clamber out on top.
The physical and digital space allows business of all sizes across all industries access a network of experts, tools, and resources tailored to their needs. The Hub offers free support to Brisbane businesses to recover, transform and grow from the economic impact that of COVID-19.
With regular workshops and events, one-on-one and group mentoring, a drop-in business centre and 24/7 access to their virtual hub, as well as online learning portal and online resources, BBH is a support service designed to help businesses of all sizes across all industries regain control of their business and lead it into 2021 with growth and confidence.
To gain more insight into the ways The Hub can help your business, we spoke to Andrew Coronis, mentor at the Brisbane Business Hub and founder and managing director of The Coronis Group about how to make your business boom in 2021…
What are the common challenges and struggles Brisbane businesses are facing?
I actually think Brisbane is doing quite well, retrospectively. Especially in my sector, which is residential real estate sales, finance and management. I also think that small businesses in the suburbs are thriving. Local cafes and shops are doing well, because everyone has been so supportive by backing small and local businesses through this time. There’s a positive out of all of this – and that’s that we’re more aware of buying local. People are still working from home, either full time or for part of the week, and spending more time and money in their suburbs.
What should a local Brisbane business consider when taking the next step?
In past years, we’ve seen people flock to the southern states for holidays, and to spend money. Right now, we’re actually seeing the reverse of that. The talent coming into Brisbane across a range of industries is really good. So, for anyone wanting to upscale their business, recruiting the right talent is the most important thing you can do. There’s more talent out on the streets of Brisbane right now than I have seen in more than 30 years in business.
How can a business set themselves up for success in 2021?
With cash rates so low, it’s a good time to invest and grow your business. I think it’s also about making sure that digitally, you have a good marketing machine. I think people still underestimate how powerful that is – the ability to digitally market your product on social media platforms. You don’t even need a shopfront anymore to sell your products. We’re still under 20 percent of where online shopping is headed, so there are many opportunities for people to set up shops cost-effectively.
What are your other predictions for 2021?
I think Brisbane is in a very unique place. Even though we’ve been through COVID, there are still developments that will continue to drive tourism to Brisbane, like Queen’s Wharf, and Howard Smith Wharves. I think the best advice for business is to adapt – don’t do what you’ve always done. Challenge, experiment and explore new ways to bring a focus to your business and see where the opportunities are going forward.
So, are you ready to lead your business into the future? Visit the Brisbane Business Hub at Level 2, 155 Queen Street, Brisbane City or online at www.businessinbrisbane.com.au