6 Super Fun Activities To Do This Easter With The Fam!

Fun for bunnies big and small!

By Guest Styler | 1st April 2021

Sure, the Easter long weekend is synonymous with eating chocolate and bingeing Disney Plus, but it’s also a chance to take a big ol’ break and enjoy spending time with the family.

Regardless if you’re at home or spending Easter elsewhere, we have some thoughtful inspiration to keep the kids entertained. From crafts to cooking, games and getting your hands dirty, we’ve got you covered!

Make a beautiful brunch

Or more specifically, bunny butt pancakes! While there is a little more time in the mornings to make your favourite foods, rustle up some pancake batter and turn them into an Easter inspired feast!

Plant something

Not just for the kids, this weekend is a great time to get outside in the garden and get busy with some potting! Whether it’s flowers, succulents or something more substantial like strawberries or veggies – use these plants next year for the annual Easter egg hunt!

Toilet paper roll Easter craft

We can only assume that with the recent lockdown everyone has more than enough toilet paper rolls to go around for this DIY! Not only does it recycle your discarded rolls, but it’s also super cute for the kids! You only need a few supplies to let your creative flair run wild!

Potato block printing

Take advantage of things you already have at home, like potatoes! All you’ll need is some paint and fabric to make some wicked designs. Perhaps a new-look lunch box is in order? Or maybe some bespoke gift-wrapping paper?

Make rainbow pasta

This sensory activity is so colourful and so easy to make! Who would have thought that making pasta in different colours could allow children to explore, grow, and play so much? Simply rustle up some cooked dried pasta and food colouring, and pop into a zip lock bag.

Egg deco

Getting some eggs and paint together to make your own Easter designs is easy – and fun! But introduce some plates and stickers and you’ve got yourself a fun game for the weekend! Simply gather some Easter themed stickers and place these sticky side up on the plate. Place your egg (hen or chocolate, they both work for this one!) on the plate and see who can decorate the most without dropping their egg.

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