BTS With The BNE School Empowering Students To Reach Their Full Potential

Called to excellence

By Dinushka Gunasekara | 11th April 2024

A well-rounded education isn’t just about maths and history; it’s seeing each student as an individual with a unique purpose, and supporting them to achieve their personal best. It’s also how Citipointe Christian College has helped thousands of students and alumni make positive contributions to society both locally and overseas for 46 years – and counting.

“Our goal is to provide a robust curriculum with Christian worldview perspectives, taught effectively by caring staff in a supportive environment,” said Principal Ruth Gravestein, who has been with Citipointe for over 30 years. “As principal, it is an exciting privilege to pursue the best outcomes for students, encourage staff, and build community with parents across Prep to Year 12.” 

The teachers at Citipointe Christian College certainly practice what they preach, and this holistic approach has brought great success to their students, with Citipointe’s 2023 NAPLAN results placing them second in Queensland for primary school. “Effective teaching is based on strong relationships where a teacher knows their students and they feel safe and cared for,” said Principal Gravestein. “Our teachers are flexible, so they can meet individual student needs while delivering lessons that are engaging and memorable.”

Setting high goals and instilling academic rigour across learning is only one of the many core values taught at Citipointe. The leading private school believes in high quality education, reflecting Christ’s love for people and the world, and honouring Jesus by upholding the College spirit. “The development of the Christian character is at the core of what we seek to accomplish through the education we provide.” 

All are welcome to experience the Citipointe difference, with over 35 nationalities represented in their community. From teaching English as an additional language or dialect to their extensive co-curricular programs, Citipointe’s collaborative efforts have resulted in graduates defined by their faith, integrity, respect, and excellence. Building long standing relationships is at the heart of this ministry, and in its fourth decade, the College is seeing an increasing number of alumni returning to enrol their children for a Citipointe education. 

Continuing to grow from strength to strength, Citipointe is currently planning an expansion of their primary school to accommodate the growth in enrolment applications. “We enjoy hearing from our stakeholders – our students, parents, and staff – and their perspectives are helping to inform our strategic and master plans,” said Principal Gravestein. 

“The university courses taken by our alumni, their career pathways, and their presence across the world are a testament to the success and effectiveness of Citipointe. It has been my honour to be part of this ministry for three decades and to see what can be accomplished when staff, students and parents work together to achieve a high quality Christian education.”

To discover more about Citipointe Christian College, head here

By Dinushka Gunasekara A self-proclaimed Spotify connoisseur who plans her weekends on Monday, Dinushka’s least favourite time of the day is in between meals.
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