Check Out This City Child Care Centre!

Why this Brisbane childcare should be at the top of your list!

By Guest Styler | 10th December 2020

For many parents, finding the right care for your child is the most important decision you can make. After all, you’re leaving the most important person in your life in the hands of someone else! Brisbane City Child Care (BCCC) believe that children benefit from a range of stimulating programs and activities, and with their newly upgraded and purpose-built centre, kids and their families are welcome to be a part of the BCCC community.

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It’s a centre that’s aligned with the best care and attention on offer, and boasts plenty of style to boot! Last month, we were lucky to share their very special 2020 Spring Gala in partnership with Rolls Royce and Brisbane BMW. Synonymous with class, BCCC is unlike anything you could ever imagine here in Brisbane.

Behind the brains of the family-owned centre since 2004 is Chris Buck, who not only has over 30 years of passionate experience in the industry, but an engineering background that has benefited countless children who have wandered through its doors. When Chris has an idea, he has the attitude and the tools to make it happen. From a fully-fledged running creek bed on the enclosed rooftop with a functional water pump, to an indoor day-time sky that mimics the same weather as outside, and real-life green tree frogs to observe up close and personal, there are carefully curated sensory moments around every corner. Not to mention, BCCC’s day-to-day programs are created by their experienced and qualified early childhood educators and are developed around an emergent play-based curriculum to ensure the very best for each and every child. It’s inspired by the passionate team’s framework of the highest quality, principles, practices and outcomes that support and enhance young children’s learning from infancy right up until pre-prep.

With the highest accreditation for their standard of service and recognised as ‘Exceeding National Quality Standard’, it’s no wonder Brisbane City Child Care surpass every expectation when it comes to the care and development of your little ones.

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