Body Contouring: How It’s Done, Why It’s Done And Is It Right For You?
An expert tells all
Body contouring is something which is becoming increasingly popular. However, it’s more than just a strategic sprinkle of bronzer over your legs, stomach and arms. Surgical body contouring is something that can assist both cosmetic and medical desires so we spoke to an expert on everything there is to know on the procedure. Dr Matthew Peters is one of the surgeons at Valley Plastic Surgery, and he broke it down for us on how it can help and why it’s anticipated.
“A large part of my practice is body contouring surgery. By removing excess skin and fat, and tightening adjacent muscle and skin layers I am able to correct both functional and aesthetic concerns people have with their appearance.
“Disclaimer: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health professional.”
There are many reasons why people present requesting these procedures. Pregnancy is a common cause – stretched skin and muscle separation can be corrected by undergoing an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). This improves the abdominal wall appearance but can also improve low back pain and stress incontinence. Massive weight loss, through diet and exercise alone, or in conjunction with bariatric surgery, causes similar concerns but across a wider range of body areas. Procedures exist for correction and can often be combined to minimise down time. These include extended tummy tuck or circumferential belt lipectomy / body lift procedures, thigh reductions, arm reductions, upper back/ back bra lift procedures and neck and facelift procedures.
The breast and chest region often require consideration of what volume and shape the patient desires. Augmentation, reduction and lift techniques exist to address the breasts, and for the men similar techniques can be utilised to overcome gynaecomastia.
Body contouring surgery can be life changing. There are many operations available however a considered and tailored approach with a suitably qualified specialist plastic surgeon should be undertaken to determine your own personal goals and treatment ideals.”
For more information on body contouring and what treatments are available, explore Valley Plastic Surgery online.