The Answer To Pro Hair At Home
Oh holy, hair
By Guest Styler | 18th June 2020Flick that hair over your shoulder because news just in. We have found the holy grail to hair and finally discovered how to get that always-wanted, never-achieved salon hair at home and it’s easier than you think. For all my fellow hair laymen, a comparative context – it’s much easier than the Conair Quick Twist Hair Braider circa 1999, which actually knotted the hair than braided it, am I right?
According to the gurus behind Hairhouse, there are three golden keys to getting sultry, just-styled, salonesque hair in the warm comforts of your own home. All you need now is someone to fetch you a coffee and a stack of year-old magazines and what’s the difference?
So, let’s cut to the chase. Presenting: the holy grail.
Protect and prevent!
You protect your skin from the sun, right, so what about your hair? Bleach, UV rays, chlorine and heat styling can cause dry and damaged hair. And, thanks to living in the Sunshine State, there’s no doubt your tresses have seen their fair share of torture. Like many things your mum has mentioned, it all starts with prevention and protection! Check out the wide range of hair heat protectants , to help prevent damage, especially if you’re a regular straightener or blow dryer. The pros also suggest fortifying leave-in styling products to further protect your tresses.
Maintain, maintain, maintain
Never underestimate the power of the product you’re working with. If you want salon quality hair, it starts with the basics at the basin – professional products. Practice what they preach and use industry-standard products. Do you ever see a hair professional using two in one shampoo and conditioner? I think not (and, if you have, we suggest it could be time for a new salon)! Hairhouse has the answers and access to salon products that you can’t find anywhere else, or any easier. Obviously, start with a good shampoo to suit your hair type, followed by the same branded conditioner, which will then reinject moisture and protective components into your mane. For ultimate results, shampoo twice and let the conditioner sink in for a minute or two before rinsing! Do this a couple of times per week and you’re on your way to salon-savvy hair.
Nourish know-how
Just like you nourish your skin with serums and moisturisers, your hair needs nourishment, too. By regularly treating your hair to some extra love, not only will your hair thank you, but your scalp will, too. Use a hair mask or deep hydrating treatment containing argan oil, which is ideal for repairing damage and creating shiny, healthy hair. Choose your treatment here to suit your hair needs. Otherwise, hair oils such as coconut, macadamia and even Kalahari melon seed oil are fabulous oil treatments for dry and damaged or coarse, thick hair. Hairhouse has a wide range of hair oils and serums which also further prevents damage to your hair.
You’re welcome.